Note: This year you are uploading to the National HOSA website. Directions are included in the PDF below. Video files are often too large, so it is recommended to use a link from a source like Google Drive, Dropbox, or Youtube (consider privacy settings).
Please just make sure your share settings allow others with the link to view the link. If submitting a link, you are responsible for double checking your share settings to make sure the video is sharable to Montana HOSA by the published deadline.
Video Requirements:
All Videos Must:
- Be continuous, non-stop footage of the entire presentation without editing/splicing, use of green screens, virtual backdrops, or on-screen text.
- No fancy equipment is needed; presentation content will be judged, not the quality of the video production. Shooting a “selfie video” on your smartphone, or using your tablet/computer are all acceptable.
- Speak to judges and patients (if applicable) as if they are actually in front of you during the competitive event recording.
- Do not read from the rubric or guidelines. We want to see mastery of your skill just as if you were doing this in person at state.
- Be sure to record yourself doing the full skill as listed in the rubric. Note: Montana HOSA website/youtube videos sometimes show a condensed version of the skill- you are required to film the whole skill as shown on the skill rubric/skill sheet.
- Competitors must be visible in the video recording.
- Try as best you can to film footage angles so judges can clearly see you are doing the skill properly; best practice is to verbalize your skill as you do it to ensure judges know what you are doing even if they can’t always “see” with the camera angle.
- Videos should meet the time guidelines
- Dress Code: As Future Health Professionals, HOSA members should present themselves in a professional manner and follow the appropriate dress code for their event.
- File must be named by school name followed by competitor(s) last name followed by abbreviation of event name (Ex: CareerCenterMeierEMT or CareerCenterMeierBLS). See abbreviations used in table below.
Video Tips:
- Try to hold the recording device steady during the recording
- Try to remove distracting items in the background. Solid color walls as backdrops will work best, but are not necessary, as only the presentation content of the video is judged.
- Record the presentation from a quiet location and test the audio before-hand
- If you don’t like your first take – try again! You have time to perfect your presentation & submit the link to your BEST video! Just remember, videos must be one continuous shot.