Nearly 225,000 career minded health science students are drawn each year to the HOSA-Future Health Professionals core values to lead, learn, innovate, and serve. These values are critical in addressing the acute shortage of qualified workers for Montana’s healthcare industry.
The healthcare industry is the fastest growing industry in Montana and is expected to add over 1,300 jobs each year. Montana HOSA is designed to empower the next generation of healthcare workers to meet the growing need here in our own state, as well as, globally through education, collaboration, and experience.
Developing Leaders in the Healthcare Industry
HOSA allows students the real life experience to apply the personal, workplace, and technical skills it takes to be successful in the work place. HOSA is an all encompassing co-curricular program focusing on: integrity, work ethic, professionalism, responsibility, self-motivation, adaptability/flexibility, communication, teamwork, leadership, planning/organization skills, multicultural awareness, decision making, technology, service orientation, in addition to job-specific skills.

HOSA Helps Members To:
- Develop effective leadership qualities and skills
- Build self-confidence, motivation and enthusiasm
- Strengthen their academic and technical skills
- Create friendships and social networks
- Participate in community service activities
- Set realistic career and educational goals
- Expand communication and teamwork skills
- Develop workplace readiness skills
- Understand current healthcare issues
- Gain industry recognized credentials and certifications
- Explore healthcare career clusters in clinical and nonclinical settings

HOSA Member Opportunities:
- Celebrate competitive events program accomplishments
- Apply for HOSA scholarships and recognitions
- Travel to regional, state, and national conferences
- Lead as local, regional, state, and national officers
- Build their resume
- Collaborate with health professionals and
employers - Seek internships in the Office of the
Surgeon General and others - Gain recognition for achievements using STEM Premiere

Participating in HOSA was the catalyst for me to confidently enter the medical field. Collaboration and connection with current healthcare workers gave me the vision and drive to work towards presenting the same level of professionalism I saw modeled as a current student and future member of the job force. It instilled in me the critical thinking skills necessary to preform skillfully in a real-life atmosphere.
Andrea Miller, BSN